Rocky arrived last Tuesday. He has settled in fairly well, I have spent about 2 hourse each day with him just brushing him, lungeing him, with Lou's help and generally letting him settle in and get to know me and his agistment.
Over the week he did some nice lungeing in the arena, the difference here being that he didn't have the round yard walls to keep him in check - so being a new experience he was a bit fizzy to start and Lou got him going and understanding what was being asked and he soon settled into it so I could take over and finish off, not too much at a time.
I had the new saddle arrive and had a saddle fitter have a look but it is very wrong for Rocky and I will have to sell it on, and purchase a Status instead, these are not too dear fortunately
So waiting some time before I get on him and need to assert myself with him as he can be pushy.
Shall be using the lunge alot more and establishing some rules, he is a bit restless and throws out his front leg often, so have to be on guard, he has no nasty in him at all and has the sweetest of natures but will need to be kept in line, maybe Tony can help me sort him out.
Boston, the lab is super stressed out right now, he is missing me a lot and Charlotte too as she has not been around much 'cause she has a new man in her life. So Boss is sort of going what the hell is going on here.
I started the new job and love it, Ingrid is gorgeous, she even made me lunch. I love working with the fibres and delightful needles and goodies, all so tempting and yes I have already spent what I earned, dang it. I had wanted the wood set of DPN's for ages and now I have them and also got some metal needle ends for the circulars as I haven't tried these but Ingrid prefers them so I was keen to try them.
We are also both keen to do a toe up sock, I found a copy of Vogue's sock book and grabbed it for Ingrid as it had the Nancy Bush Estonian sock, yummy. Now I am on the look out for some nice hand dyed sock yarn - or maybe I should buy some off Ingrid and dye it myself. :)