The most important people in my life are my family. Charlotte turned 21 on May the 2nd which co-incided with the Nitro champs drag meeting in which her dad Tony wanted to race. So Charlotte decided that she would have her birhtday at the drags.
It went wonderfully well, we had a nice turn up of friends and relatives as well as those track friends who have known Charlotte for a while and watched her grow from a teenager into a lovely young lady.
She was indundated with lovely gifts. And Tony arranged for a photo menage on the big screen so about 28,000 people saw Char at different ages, but nothing too embarassing. LOL.
She spent a good part of the day crying as suprise after surprise were given. All in all just a brilliant and non fussy 21st shared with the people that cared about her.
Thankyou to everyone who made it such a fun day for her. Especially Kasi who is a star.