Where does the time go? I have been busy with other things and neglecting the blog, I have been sewing some, doing some quilting for friends and getting used to the frame.
I have had to borrow my mums singer sewing machine as the Pfaff is still not serviced. Mums machine is very nice to use so I am not complaining but she will want it back sooner or later so shall have to get the repair man to fix my Pfaff.

Classes will continue over the school break and I will return to Wednesday class. I have been doing extra shop hours at work while Anne is on leave. It makes for a busy life. But be creative is a way of life and I could not be with out all my bits and pieces. Rummaging through my stash for bits of fabric, lace and ribbons, buttons, bows and thread is a dream come true for me and a way to indulge me time with out guilt - because It's the creative process that I need to survive a day. To make my life fuller and to be a better person to live with.
I wonder how many others can relate to this.