I know don't say it, another machine, well I sort of did need one because I needed a machine for Port Macquarie and this was too good to let go. It is an Husqvarna 955e Platinum embroidery and sewing machine all in one.
I found it on ebay and payed the buy it now price of $1500. because I felt this was a brilliant price.
I have wanted a Husky for a while as I remember my sister in law had one and it was a really super machine. One of my students has the lilly and I really love the way it sews.
It came this morning so I have been playing a little and it sews really well. I have to read up on the embroidery attachements as they are a little different to the futura.
Quilting is going along well, just trying to get some things finished before the end of the month so that I can leave for Port with a clear mind and having done all that I have promised.
Next week the girls are giving me a farewell lunch so shall look forward to that very much, I just hope I find some nice ladies to sew with in Port Macquarie.