When Charlotte went over to New Zealand I asked her if she could possibly find me some Possum fibre or yarn to spin and knit, enough for a small project like a scarf or shawl would have been perfect as I knew it was expensive.
Well Charlotte is not a knitter but she did understand what I was after, she had no luck finding possum yarn, despite visiting several places in New Zealand both South and North Island.
But bless her heart she found me some gorgeous bunny fibre, German angora bunny fibre, 100grams of the delightful stuff, so since then
I have been keeping my eye open for something suitable to spin it with. I have a nice suri alpaca fleece in a coffee cream colour, that I could have used but it was a dirty fleece and should really be professionally carded, but who do you get to do that these days??

So when I was at Virginia Farm Woolworks I found a bag of luscious white Merino and silk slivers
100 grams for $12.50, so I purchased two as this seemed to be a nice ratio for the 100grams of bunny fluff. I can not wait to spin this and hope I am not so out of practice that I make a mess of it, but anything around a 4 or 5 ply would be lovely.
I have also been dipping and dying a bit more. I have started the tunic, difficult but rather fascinating in a bizarre sort of way. It is going to be a challenge but it is worth it.