Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bambaroo and Footscray - Double dipping

Hey what do you do when you dye a yarn and then don't like the colour??

You dye it again of course.

One skien of Bambaroo, knotted and not suitable for retail, and a much covetted skien of Footscray. I want to knit socks!!! Well Ingrid is more than generous and maybe a bit curious as to what I am going to do with them.

That is Bambaroo on the left and Footscray on the right, (Note how the bamboo yarn takes the dye differenty). I used a eucalypt green and a dash of turquoise. But the turquoise took over. The colours were a lot stronger in real life, the photo has toned them down somewhat, and while I could live with the green in the Footscray as it was for socks, I couldn't quiet cope with the green on the bambaroo that I was considering for a small shoulder wrap or shrug. Impossible to live with this colour near my face, blah, I think I would get seasick from it.

What to do?? No -too easy, redye of course. So into the pot they go again and this time with just some straight navy die, had to go darker of course, altho I did consider bleaching out some dye at one point, but no, can not bring myself to that just yet. (stay tuned, you never know what I will do next).

This is the result of the second dipping, a much deeper shade of green and altho not what I had in mind exactly, it is still ok, I think I can live with it (maybe).

Bambaroo on the left and Footscray on the right having taken the deep shade of the navy. I left a bit of the Bambaroo out to retain the first dye lighter green and that should feature nicely. The Footscray looks almost black here, or steel grey but is actually a really nice deep, deep turquiose.

And above a much more successful dipping is the grey for Charlottes tunic, see previous post for more on that and the yarn is Grafton it dyed so well and came up soft and luxurious. I have started the pattern and oh my it is a bit harder than first thought but I will perservere have a good colour pic of the tunic and can see a bit clearer what the instructions are telling me to do.