and pieces. I am now starting to realize that I
have an abundance of craft related objects.
UFO's, lots and lots and WIP's (work in progress)
the latter is most definately my favourite way of describing pieces of art that are still unfinished but have hope of one day becoming what I had envisioned for them.
I am knitting a shawl and hope to send it off to a
magazine for publication. I have now found my
battery charger so will be taking lots of photos
so that I can now show you what I have been
up to.
I collected some new fabrics from work, Kym has a very good eye for colour combinations and she often challenges herself to put together fat quarter bundles and of course I can not help myself I have to buy them. And also needing a new project for the girls and Ho Hum, no more bags please, I will be doing a machine cover as I need one for both the pfaff and the Janome on the frame, a cover would be a very useful thing as it sits out on the frame uncovered at the moment. I will write the pattern to be suited to different sized machines so that the girls can customize their own to suit their particular machine.

check back for photos - coming soon = please watch this space. :)