How stunning are antique quilts? I have about 30 or so all in different stages of completion. Purchased from Ebay and shipped over from America. I have tops, blocks and full quilts. The oldest I have is a civil war blocks in a bachelor block, it is similar to a tulip block, I have repaired it and put about 10 or so blocks together and am quilting it.

I have two green and red applique quilts. With lots of lovely quilting. These are both pre 1900's.
I also have a variety of later quilts and quilt tops, 50's and 60's. One is a string pieced summer quilt, ie it doesnt have any wadding inside.
They are all totally inspirational, and some are used daily and some are away in a trunk awaiting repair or to delicate for everyday use. Caring for these quilts is a huge responsibility. Some could't handle a wash, they would literally fall apart. Others cope well and can be washed often.

I am only a custodian and will one day either sell some or pass them on or give them away. In the interim I get to enjoy them and share them with my friends.