The twins quilt is going slowly - I really need to get on and quilt them but have been telling myself that I will quilt them both together and very quickly on the quilt frame. As yet this hasn't happened and I am yet to get organised enough to get the frame organised and set up down stairs.
The little quilts look lovely and I would like to take a pic of them but can not find my battery charger for the camera so can not photograph them just at the moment.
When will I ever get organised?
Classes are dropping off a bit, they seem to come and go and some students can not afford to continue which means that I have to reduce my fee. Oh well, we all have to do our part to assist when things are so financially strapped. Never fear I am still spending plenty.
I just decided today that I needed some clothes and shall do a little looking tomorrow. This is never a favourite pass time for me but I will look and see if something strikes me as worth buying.