How do you keep track of them??
I have been keeping up with all my favourite blog sites most of them are on blogger which is very handy - altho I am not using blogger to it's full advantage by any means.
Playing scrabble on facebook is also a big time consumer but I have limited the time I spend on it now and may find just a bit more time for other more important things.
This is a pic of the studio that I would love to have

in my backyard.
Isn't it cute? I think my studio would need to be
about twice that size to accomodate all my junk.
Okay materials and tools, what with patchwork, jewelry, mixed media, the quilt frame, the knitting machine. Supplies and other stuff. Come to think on it, it would need to be a lot larger.
I have even been watching the ads for rental space that is local and not too expensive, not necessary a shop front but just a warehouse space would be ideal for about $100 or so a week on a open lease would be great. Does it exist?
Dream on, in the meantime I am setting up the dining room and putting the quilt frame in the lounge just to get on with some work and have a space I can call my own.