Finally I have my frame set up full size, well okay it is taking up all of the lounge room bar a couple of the lounges pushed up against the wall (tes chic, NOT). But it is up and sacrifices must be made.
I have three small quilts to quilt as my first paid jobs on the frame. I am excited and nervouse all at once. I hope that I can do these more affordably than what the large quilters have to pay.
I am aware that I am limited to a 3" width due to the short arm machine, but I am optomistic that I can come up with some nice designs and perhaps learn to free quilt well enough for it to be considered custom quilting.
My only dilemma now is that the Pfaff is cafut, well the timing is way out and needs a look at so I have to find the money to have it repaired. In the mean time I will see if the singer will work for plain stitching as the last time I used it, it was not happy beeping at me madly. Failing this I can borrow mums singer - but this is a last resort as she likes to use her machine and likes to have it available for her sewing moods.
I have also begun to move my things into the dining room and shall pack away a lot of my antique plates and other bits that are on the shelving, this will free up space for storage of smallish items, jars and small baskets but I think it could look good and be useful.