Stress, its a real killer, we know that don't we. My darling girl is very stressed at the moment at work and dealing with peoples enquiries about their insurance claims for travel insurance.
I know personally that when I talk to a customer care person I try to remember that they are not personally responsible for my problem/dilemma and in fact are there to try and sort it all out for me if they are able to. My daughter is yelled at on a daily basis and called some shocking names, all because of a few hundred dollars worth of camera or whatever the person is claiming for. And yes, we all know how slow these things can be. But we really need to put them into perspective.
I was very busy with getting things done for class over the weekend (beside having a shocking weekend at the drags, but I am not going there). So as I stitched a small design for a friend and trying to get it started at least so that I could then do the machine sewing at a later date, Charlotte asked if she could do some, well Charlotte is one very neat stitcher and I was delighted to hand it over to her. She was still stitching when I went to bed last night and when I went to my sewing box this morning, here was a note on top with the work I had given her half finished and asking to let her finish it tonight. No problem to me, I love getting the help and Charlotte said she relaxed last night with the stitching like she hasn't been able to relax for ages.
It is a really bad time energy wise at the moment, there is some really odd energy going around and some strange things are happening - hope the moon changes soon or something, lol.