It's all Bron's fault, she told me about a lovely quilt she had seen and described it to me which got my mind rolling and thinking and wanting to create. SO naturally I did.
The fact that I had a sore foot meant that I needed to sit and rest it, so this weekend was spent drawing some lovely baskets of flowers so that we might later, be able to stitch them.
I had started off intending to do them rather niave and simple but no - they became quiet a production and very life like. I really think they are going to be hard work to stitch. So do I simplify or do I leave them as is.
Time will tell, getting time to do them will be another thing entirely.
I fell in love with a flying geese block and had to have a play with it in eq6. Pickle dish is another block for a quilt that I have always wanted to do, two colours only, nice.