Classes are going wonderfully well, I am having a blast with these baltimore blocks, they are soooo lovely.
And a large amount of french ribbon has come my way, well okay, I had to pay for it but it is so nice and will give my students some lovely ribbon to play with.
I have also been working on Christmas things for class - not something that I have to do every year but I do keep my eye out for interesting things. Christine Book is a wonderful resource for me in this as she does Christmas sooooo well.
Come to think of it, I have not done any stitchery for so long and I am getting a bit of an urge to do some soon. The Baltimore must take precedence tho and even when I go to Margaret Cormacks class on wednesdays I still have to be sewing on the baltimores.
I am embelishing lots more now and have been trying out some flower making both from fabric strips and ribbon. I have also been asked to do some ribbon roses for a flower girls dress, this is in a lovely deep pinky red, the fabric was especially dyed over seas just for this wedding.