Thursday, November 08, 2007


Back again after a long time away, could not find how to access this account and was so busy I had no time to spend on it, I am inspired to write again after seeing my friend Marg Low's gorgeous blog and wanting to be able to share some of my work as well.

I have been very busy making stunning chain maille jewelry in sterling silver chain, it is so addictive and the results are magic.

I have few items for sale at
I shared a lovely weekend at Mamre House with Christine Book, Jan and Marg, Helen from Temora and Ingrid from Pioneer Patchwork, Colleen and lots of friends and wonderful patchwork ladies, Marg assisted me with my needlepunch method and as soon as I was back on track I have done lots of needlepunch.

Christine has some projects using Yo Yo makers and I have now got my hands on the large yo yo maker and have started using these to do some yoyo's but I am not sure what I will make with them, I am sure my enthusiasm will wain around the size of a table runner.
Charlotte is in London, working hard and saving up to tour a few country's while she is there, Matt her boyfriend is working hard at Claridge's also.
I have missed her alot and try to phone as often as I can.
Boston is growing he is now 18 months old, Charlotte would not know him, he is no longer that cute little puppy - he is now a huge terrorising monster, but he still gives great cuddles.

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