Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Basket versus boxes

I just purchased two lovely deep baskets with handles today for $5.00 each, they are perfect for keeping all project items together.

They don't have lids but will be okay as I intend to use them as transient storage while a project is in progress, I have other tubs with lids for more long term storage.

I was wondering what sort of storage other quilters use, would be interested in your ideas.

And what do you like to keep projects in while you are working on them.

A few of my quilty friends will buy specific items and containers for projects, others like me will recycle containers where possible and scour garage sales for baskets and anything of use. As long as it is clean or can be cleaned, painted or whatever it is open slather for me.

I love the look of old bookshelf's repainted, recycled and looking fabulous. Like this set of old shelving that is being used to great
advantage as a lovely fat quarter storage.